Friday, December 9, 2011

After Word
Recently I was asked what I thought the world was going to be like in the future. I found that my response directly connects with the presidential election and it’s importance. Here is my after word on the topic of society and the role of an individual. 
It’s inevitable that there well always be problems in society, I sometimes wonder if this is how the government keeps us in fear so they have control.  The government seems to have a hidden agenda, hides information, and is simply corrupt. The politicians are a different story and is very disappointing because of the lack of quality in our candidates. I have one question for our government since when has money been more important then the well being of our country?  Unfortunately the government has control and the fate of the country relays on them. Since we live in a democracy we all need to stand up for what’s right and take back our government by being educated, voting responsibly, and exercising our rights. I honestly cannot predict what well happen because there are many variables. But at this moment I see our country crumbling. I think now is the time everybody need to save our country and what it stands for. I pray this well happen. Although I can say there is only room for improvement. I think natural disasters well occur more frequently due to the damage to our ozone.  With the incredible advancements in technology I predict there well be even more privacy issues and eventually a complete lack of privacy. I also think that natural resources such as water and fossil fuels well be drained and a complete conversion to renewable resources well happen. Such as electric cars, recycling water, wind power, water power, and solar power. I believe educational systems well improve unless we lose our democracy. We need to stop pushing through students and teachers to be invested in their students. I am sure new diseases well occur, but with scientific advancements I believe we well find a cure quickly and the average life span well be extended. Due to the common trends I think cost of living is going to continue to increase, but I hope job pay well go up also. In the future I predict employment rates well increase because of the many new advancements. As long as robots don’t take over the labor force. In my opinion technology should help increase productivity and help humans with their jobs, but not take their jobs. The best advancement is for the United States to be completely self sufficient so foreign involvement well be limited. If money is taken out of foreign issues than world peace is more attainable. Our involvement so far in other countries is leaving us all in a constant state of fear and that is not healthy. We need to put a end to the controversy. We have a the United Nations in place but is it really serving its purpose? One of my major hopes for the future is that human relationships well still remain the same because these are the roots to our growth, strength, love, and happiness. We are still are human because of these relationships. This is the one thing that has stayed constant through history. Keep in mind this is my personal reflection on our society’s future and I hope this after word sparks interest and thought, because it always a good thing to reflect on the bigger picture.

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