Friday, December 9, 2011

Rick Perry, 61 years old.

Back ground:

("Rick Perry: Time to Get America Working Again - YouTube." ).

"On August 13, 2011, Rick Perry announced his candidacy for President of the United States, declaring “It’s time to get America working again… The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington, D.C. It will come from the windswept prairies of Middle America, the farms and factories across this great land, from the hearts and minds of the goodhearted Americans who will accept not a future that is less than our past…patriots who will not be consigned to a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government. We do not have to accept our current circumstances. We will change them. We are Americans.” The 47th governor of Texas, Rick Perry grew up in the small community of Paint Creek, located along the rolling plains of West Texas. Rick Perry is the son of Ray Perry, a World War II tailgunner who flew 35 missions over war-torn Europe, and Amelia Perry, who provided a loving, nurturing home for Rick and his older sister Amelia. Ray and Amelia Perry started out as tenant farmers, providing a modest upbringing for their children. Rick Perry grew up without indoor plumbing the first five years of his life, wore clothes hand-sewn by his mother, and was even bathed in a number 2 washtub as a young boy. Perry was one of 13 students in the Paint Creek Rural School’s Class of 1968.  He played six-man football, worked on his family farm, and devoted himself to the Boy Scouts, earning the rank of Eagle while in his teens. Perry was among the first generation in his family to attend college, enrolling at Texas A&M University in the fall of 1968.  He joined the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets and was elected twice to serve as an Aggie Yell Leader.  Perry graduated in August 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. Upon graduation, Perry took a commission in the United States Air Force, flying C-130 tactical aircraft to destinations around the globe, including South America, Europe and the Middle East. In 1977, Perry was honorably discharged from the Air Force with the rank of Captain, and he returned home to the family farm, where they grew dryland cotton, milo and wheat.  During the next few years, Perry would become one of millions of conservative Reagan Democrats, and marry his high school sweetheart, Anita Thigpen, 16 years after their first date. In 1983, Rick and Anita Perry welcomed a son, Griffin, and their daughter Sydney arrived in 1986.  It was in 1984 that Perry set his sights on public office, running to represent his rural neighbors in the Texas House.  Perry would serve three terms in the House, ultimately switching to the Republican Party toward the end of his final term, before taking the bold step of running statewide for Agriculture Commissioner against a popular Democrat incumbent.  Perry scored an upset in 1990 and easily won re-election in 1994. Four years later, Perry won a close election to become the first Republican Lieutenant Governor in more than a century. He became Governor in December 2000 when George W. Bush resigned the office to become President. Since then, Perry has won three full terms as governor."("About." Rick Perry for President 2012.").
It's also important to consider that he made a vaccination for HPV required. I believe that a person's health should be their personal decision the government should not require vaccinations. I personally have taken this vaccination and it failed to protect me because it doesn't prevent infection of many strands. He's concentrating on petty issues that should be left up to the individual.
("Strong - YouTube." ).

This video is concerning to me because of the suggestion of bringing religion into politics. I understand where he is coming from because I am religious myself, but I completely disagree with involving it into politics because we are a democracy and support freedom of religion. This is similar to Michele Bachmann's view on politics. I think both of them have potential to cause a lot of controversy and have potential for extremist behavior.

("Rick Perry: OOPS - YouTube." )

I can understand nerves and short term memory loss, but as a candidate Rick Perry shouldnt make a important statement and forget what he wants to do. We need a president that knows what hes talking about on the spot other wise his arguments are not convincing. Overall I am not impressed with this candidate and think it would be a mistake to elect him mainly because of the religion and politics.

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