Friday, December 9, 2011

As a young adult I am very concerned about the state of being our country is in. Our nation is facing many complex serious issues. Such as the economy, jobs, budget deficit, national debt, education, AIPEC, government, politicians, health care, war, foreign affairs, immigration, global warming, sustainable natural resources, sustainable energy resources, bureaucracy, social security, various social issues, nuclear weapons, national security, united nations, and taxes. There is a long list of problems that are equally important and I fear the outcome of them if there is not a solution. In my research I have noticed all these issues and the politicians running for election. There are a few extremist politicians that are promising economic growth and jobs. This scares me because in desperate times people vote for these politicians and resulting in extremist having control over our country and everything it stands for. This theory has proven true through out history and devastating events have occurred. I have also read the book 1984 recently and this has left me analyzing the connections to our world today. “There are many connections that are disturbing such as: the purpose of war, privacy issues, technology, government control, and doublethink.” (Orwell, 313-326). These problems are displayed in the story and in modern society.  In my opinion the fact that Orwell wrote this book in the 1940’s and practically predicted the future makes this book more convincing. On a possitive note we have not lost our individuality, human connetions, or democracy, but we need to save these things that make life worth living.  This book of a negative utopia has inspired me to write this blog. I believe awareness is one way I can inspire others to make a change. I also encourage recommended reading of the books 1984, and Brave New World. “These books are warnings for our generation and should be given some thought.” (Orwell, 313-326).   I hope this books inspire you and help you analyze modern society as they did for me.  It’s extremely important for everybody to vote and to be educated voters. This means filtering the news for it’s credibility, being informed on the candidates, and being informed on different points of views. Keep in mind the issues and possible outcomes our nation is facing when voting. By being a educated voters we can solve and conquer society’s issues by voting responsibly. We cannot change the world but we can change our country by embracing democracy while we still have it.  Save our country and keep your freedom.  


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